
Biomarker Characterization and Biosensor Development

A biosensor acts as a receptor-transducer device that provides a quantitative information using a bio-recognition element and a transducer.   The receptor responds to a chemical or physical stimulus and transmits this information or reaction to the transducer.  The transducer takes this response and converts it to an analytical signal which can analyzed and depicted. Studying biomarker-receptor interactions can be done using molecular dynamics and docking.  Receptors can be chemical or biological but how they bind and interact with the biomarkers determines their efficacy.  Insights from modeling the natural progression of biomarker-receptor binding identifies key features such as the orientation and location of the biomarker-receptor complex during a binding event. These key features are not readily feasible from wet lab experiments and impact the efficacy of the biosensor in diagnostic and theranostic applications.

Metallotoxin effects on Bacterial Genomics and Nanomaterial-Biomolecule Interactions

For decades bacteria resistance to antibiotics has been explored.  Metallic nanoparticles, like antibiotics, have also been used for the restriction of bacterial growth as they can be taken up but not processed by bacteria. However, bacteria can develop resistance when exposed to some metals for a prolonged time or in excess. First row transition metals such as Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel and Copper have unfilled d-orbitals and thus are redox active. Their ability to easily cycle between oxidation states contributes to both their catalytic properties and their toxicity. Alkali (Lithium, Sodium, Potassium), Alkaline (Magnesium, Calcium) and Transition (Iron, Silver, Copper) metals are all important for maintaining bacterial function and in excess can restrict their growth. This regulation depends on proteins interaction and the accuracy of DNA replication.  Traditionally, prolonged exposure to some of these metals in ionic or nanoparticle forms can cause apoptosis but recently research has shown that bacteria are adapting and surviving in these environments due to induced genetic mutations.  Minute changes in DNA sequences due to a mutation on the genetic level have major implications on protein structure and function. With the computing power available computational studies of these proteins can help to identify and understand the effects of these small changes, their influence on protein function and the impact these ions and nanoparticles make on bacterial resistance. 

Computational development and modeling of synthetic collagen composites

Composite biomaterials have many uses, from knee replacements to coatings, and require a balance of physical, chemical and mechanical parameters. One commonly used material is collagen, which is a prevalent, triple helical, extracellular matrix (ECM) protein that comprises approximately 25% of the total dry weight of mammals [1]. Collagen has notable biodegradability and biocompatibility but low mechanical strength which could be improved with the addition of materials like chitin, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), fullerenes and calcium phosphate (CaP) components. Natural collagen’s extraction from natural sources is time consuming, sometimes costly, and it is also difficult to render and could prompt undesired biological and pathogenic changes. Nanoscale collagen mimetic peptides (i.e., Synthetic Collagen), without the unwanted biological entities present in the medium, has been shown to mimic the unique properties that are present in natural collagen [2, 3]. While there have been many studies with natural collagen, there is still much to be discovered about its synthetic derivatives. Synthetic collagen has many properties that are similar to natural collagen but the variations and potential customization may be of great interest [4]. Minor changes in the collagen composition and its interactions with other materials will have potentially large impacts on its function and properties. With the computing power available, computational studies of these protein composite materials can help to identify interactions and behaviors of these synthetic collagen composites in conjunction with beneficial mechanical and physical properties.

Additional Research is Ongoing